Domain and Deletes


I registered last night… just because. I had the .io for mookie before, but relinquished it because it cost too much to keep that domain. is cheap enough that I can have it and use it as a redirect to I like having a domain that is short.

Maybe I will find some other use for in the future, but for now it will just be a redirect.


The other day Twitter finally got the “Download archive” functionality working again and I was able to download my old tweets that went back to went I signed up in December of 2007. I had already used TweetDelete to delete my recent 3,200 tweets. But, to delete the rest of my tweets, I needed my archive. With my archive in hand, I used the delete-tweets script running on my Raspberry Pi W to do a mass delete and clean out the rest of my tweets – in all (including the original 3,200), I deleted over 12,000 tweets. Yikes.

I also cleared out most of my old toots on my Fediverse account on while I was on my social cleaning spree.

It felt good to Marie Kondo all those old tweets and toots. I have never felt the need to go back in time and look at those old things before and I doubt I would in the future. Tweets and toots – at least for me – are ephemeral. I have set up a proccess to automatically clean old tweets and toots on both accounts. The process will clean out any tweet or toot that is older than a month, so that social cruft doesn’t build up again.