Year in Running: 2020

Year in Run: 2020

Mookie’s 2020 Running Stats
Total Number of Miles 1757
Total Time 322 hours
Total Number of Days Run 366
Total Number of Runs 378
Average Miles Per Month 146
Minimum Miles Per Month 140 (January)
Maximum Miles Per Month 154 (December)
Average Miles Per Run 4.7
40-Mile Weeks 5
Longest Run 8 miles
Pairs of Shoes 3
Times Fallen on Face 1

I did it! I finished running for the year. As I have been doing for the last few years, I ran every day this year. In 2018, I ran the biggest year prior to this year. I had run 1040 miles in 2018 and it was a proud personal achievement to achieve quad-digit mileage in a year.

Last year, I started a new job and my running habit was derailed for a bit as I got used to a new daily routine. I still ran daily, but there were months where I ran the minimum threshold that I had set for myself years ago: At least one mile per day. By the end of 2019, I had gotten back into my grove and ran a 122 mile month in December 2019.

As 2020 came around, the world was still fine and I ran two of my biggest months ever, 140 miles in January and 146 miles in February. Then the pandemic hit and we all got stuck at home. With two spare hours in the day from not having to commute, I figured I would continue the high mileage running I was doing and see where that would take me for the year. I ran mostly on the treadmill (while watching TV, heh). In the first two months of the year, I did run outside more. The rest of the months, I wandered outside from time to time, but generally avoided it.

My 2020 minimum goals were:

  • Monthly: 140 miles
  • Weekly: 30 miles
  • Daily: 3.25 miles

There were weeks where I felt beyond exhausted, most of those weeks were the 40-mile weeks and some were the 35+ mile weeks. Those weeks required running 6+ miles per day for most of the week. Because I was running so much and running every day, I kept my pace slower to avoid injury. This meant that on the 6+ mile days I found myself running for more than an hour. Those weeks were not fun.

I pushed on so that I could meet the goals I set for the year. This month, I was aiming to hit the minimum monthly goal of 140 miles, but ended up running the biggest month of the year – just because I gamified running and wanted to reach at least 1750 miles for the year – then as I inched closer to 1750 miles for the year, I saw that I could also get the biggest month, so I pushed for that.

My goal for next year will be to back off on total mileage and take it a little easier. I want to run faster through next year and also make it a quad-digit mileage year.

My goal is to finished 2021 with 1250 miles.

My 2021 minimum goals are:

  • Monthly: 100 miles
  • Weekly: 24 miles
  • Daily: 3.25 miles

I got a new pair of Hoka One One Clifton 7’s last week and have saved them to start running in tomorrow on the first day of 2021. Here’s to a better year and lots of running!