The Wolf Inside (DIS S01E04)

December 2, 2018

Burnham deals with her situation aboard the Shenzhou.


While the Mirror Universe is a nice distraction, I hope that they get back into the regular universe soon.

For an advanced piece of technology that the Discovery is, there are no cameras around anywhere? In the previous episode there's not even any cameras in the brig? Nothing could have caught Tyler killing the doctor?

My suspicions of the Emperor being Georgiou were correct -- and I'm so happy that she is the Emperor. I can't wait to see what comes of this.

I really liked how this episode dealt with Burnham and her conflict about her identity in this universe. The ending surprised me because I thought hat Burnham had truly lost herself to this universe by transporting Tyler into the vacuum of space. Having Tyler transported back onto the Discovery and Saru explaining that no matter that they are in this universe, that does not change how they act. I really liked that part of this episode.

The mid-section of the episode with the planet-side dealings with the rebels was a bit of a drag.

The stuff with Stamets, Tilly and Saru was a bit of "throw around lots of science words and hope that it confuses the audience into believing that it does something."