Breaking the Ice (ENT S01E08)

January 15, 2017

Archer's comet.

Pecan pie. It may not be good for the body, but it sure is good for the soul.

The scene with the crew responding to a school childrens' questions was random, but one of the best parts of this episode. The whole "poop question" but with Trip and his hilarious reaction was priceless. And while it was hilarious, our sanitation engineer (Trip) did answer my question about how much recycling is done onboard the ship. Hoshi talking about the universal translator was interesting also.

Trip is a good honest man.

T'Pol receives an encrypted message to her personal station raising all sorts of suspicion from Archer and Trip. Both of them need to learn to trust T'Pol. T'Pol shows anger at Trip, very un-Vulcan. T'Pol's decision was not surprising, but the whole last image of the episode with the pecan pie was a bit heavy-handed.

Archer has the Vulcan captain of the ship that is watching over the Enterprise over for dinner. The dinner is awkward and does not end well because of Archer. Archer's prejudice against Vulcans clouds his actions. He needs to open his mind and understand that the way the Vulcan captain was acting is the normal for that culture.

The snowman had Vulcan ears was full of LOL. Reed and Mayweather go to the comet to collect core samples but run into trouble when they are leaving as their shuttle pod falls through the ice. This is the first time I have ever seen a starship captain take manual control of a starship, which is what Archer does. The rescue attempt fails and Archer has to swallow his pride and call on the Vulcan captain to get Reed and Mayweather off the comet. Archer eating some humble pie was good to see.