The Apple (TOS S02E05)

September 10, 2017

The crew beam down to a planet to explore and follow up on strange readings by a scout ship. The planet is a perfect 76f and is almost like paradise. That is until a Red Shirt is killed by one of the fauna on the planet.


"The Garden of Eden was just outside of Moscow." -Chekov

Another Red Shirt bites the dust.

Spock saves Kirk. I am not sure why they decided to stay after the first Red Shirt dies with such dangers on the planet and only decide to after Spock gets hurt.

A second Red Shirt gets fried so badly by lightning that he is reduced into a crater in the ground. Ouch.

This is a bad mission for Red Shirts. Another one bites the dust as he steps on an explosive rock.

Spock is taking quite some abuse on this mission.

Damn, the yeoman has some killer moves.