A Private Little War (TOS S02E19)

December 10, 2017

Kirk, Spock and McCoy are exploring a planet that young cadet Kirk once explored. They discover a civilization that is using flintlock rifles when they shouldn't have progressed to that point. Spock is shot in the back before they can escape.


This was one of the stories in The Autobiography of James T. Kirk.

There are Klingons in orbit.

Kirk suspects that Klingons have contaminated the civilization.

The wigs are hilariously bad in this episode.

Slap him, slap him hard nurse! Spock needs to be slapped around in order to fight their way back to consciousness. Interesting.

Bones is right about the war.

Black hairs vs White hairs.

"I don't know why I was worried, you can't kill a computer." Bones to Spock.

The message of this episode that War is inevitable with new civilizations?