The Way to Eden (TOS S03E20)

June 3, 2018

The Enterprise encounters a spaceship named Auroa, it is a stolen craft. The Enterprise engages their tractor beam to try to slow them down before they reach Romulan space, but the ship doesn't stop and starts to overheat. Just before it explodes, Scotty is able to beam the occupants onboard -- the are.. Space Hippies.


The hippies are off to Planet Eden.

Chekov knows one of the hippies from his Academy days.

Oh wow, ten minutes into this episode and it is pretty cringe-worthy.

Why is Chekov wearing mascara?

This is Chekov's "love episode", just following Scotty's.

The music in this episode is horrible.

Where's Uhura?

Lack of subtlety? Yes. The dude that arrives on Eden and dies eating a fruit? He's named Adam.

Wow, this episode is terrible, there's just no other way of saying it. Quite possibly the worst episode of Star Trek TOS ever.