Rockbox 1.4 Firware Released!

october 15, 2002

Get Rockbox 1.4 Firmware. It's been released and hosts a great deal of enhancements (my favourite being the ROLO bootloader so that I can switch between Rockbox and Archos firmware!).

  __________               __   ___.
  ______    ____   ____ |  | __ |__   _______  ___
   |       _//  _ _/ ___|  |/ /| __  /  _   /  /
   |    |   (  <_> )  ___|    < | _ (  <_> > <  <
   |____|_  /____/ ___  >__|_ |___  /____/__/_ 
          /            /     /    /            /

Release notes, version 1.4. October 11, 2002.

General changes since 1.3
- Loadable WPS templates (.wps files)
- Loadable languages (.lng files)
- Loadable settings (.cfg files)
- Rockbox Loader (ROLO): Load and execute firmware files
- Text reader
- Repeat mode options: Off, All, One
- Disk read retry (shock proofing)
- Ffwd/rew accelleration
- Dirs and menus now wrap
- Channel setting (left,right,mono,stereo)
- "Follow playlist" browser feature
- Improved ID3 support
- Idle poweroff

Player-specific changes since 1.3
- File type icons
- Animated progress indicator
- Charger status indication

Recorder-specific changes since 1.3
- Loadable fonts (.fnt files)
- Enabled DRAM burst mode: Major speed boost!
- Adjustable playback pitch 50-200%
- Quickset screens on F2 and F3 buttons
- ON + UP/DOWN acts like PgUp/PgDn in dir browser
- Scrollbars added in many places
- Peak meter
- Oscillograph demo
- Proper pixel scrolling

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