Hello Tumblr!

After years of hosting my own blog for long-form writing, I have decided that I don’t really write enough to keep that going.

I tried moving away from self-hosting a few months ago. I had moved everything over to nearlyfreespeech.net and it was working alright, but I eventually setup my own server again – I chalk it up to me wanting to learn nginx. Anyways, I told myself that I could keep the VPS with nginx running if I wrote regularly. And I did write regularly for a while, but I don’t know if I can keep that up. Plus, keeping a web server updated and secure is still work.

I have moved hellomookie.com back to nearlyfreespeech.net for hosting. My old ultramookie.com posts are archived and available here. I am going to start fresh here at tumblr.

I have scraped together a python script to back up my posts from tumblr, feel free to use and enhance if you like.