Year In Review: Mookie's 2021

Happy 2022!

Cartoon Mookie

I guess it is that time again to sit back, reflect and look at some stats that I kept about myself in 2021. 2021 was yet another interesting (is that the right word? Maybe?) year. With the pandemic still around and me spending most of my time at home, I had much time to do the things that I love: Running, watching, writing and reading.


In 2021 I was planning to run 1,250 miles (after running 1,757 miles in 2020). I soft adjusted my goal upwards to 1,350 miles half-way through the year because I was trending up. I ended up running 1,352 miles in 2021. It wasn’t a crazy running year like it was in 2020 and it was nice to tone it down just a tiny bit.

Running Stats:

  • Total Mileage: 1,352 miles (2,175km)
  • Longest Run: 6.3 miles
  • Average Pace: 9:48 minutes per mile
  • Average Run Length: 3.7 miles
  • Total Days Run: 365
  • Runs in the Morning: 142
  • Runs in the Afternoon: 223

Way back in 2018, I had set what I thought was a big goal: Run 1,000 miles in a year. I achieved it and then the following year because of life changes my mileage dropped to 668 miles (boo!). In 2020, I was determined to run 750 miles and blew past that by an extra 1,007 miles (yikes).

At the beginning of 2021, my body was aching all over because of the high mileage that I ran in 2020. I told myself that I would cut down the mileage to something reasonable, yet keep it challenging. And I think I achieved that.

But, after two years and 3,100 miles (almost 5,000km), it has taken quite a toll on my body. Moving each and every day, especially when I am sick, has worn me out. For this year, I am still planning on moving every day with running on most days. But, I am going to give my body time to rest and recover and have some days where I don’t run, but walk. My plan is to get 1,000 miles on the board, which is equal to the “big goal” of 2018.

Watching and Writing


I watched 141 movies in 2021 – this includes movies I have seen before and new movies. I did not visit the theater 2021 and stuck to streaming and Blu-ray discs at home.

I wrote 85 movie reviews and here are the rating stats from these reviews:

  • Average Rating: 6.05
  • Month with Best Average: October (7.50)
  • Month with Worst Average: June (4.44)
  • Month with Most Reviews Written: July (12)
  • Month with Least Reviews Written: October (4)
  • Total Number of Movies Rated 10 (highest): 1
  • Total Number of Movies Rated 1 (lowest): 4


Being stuck at home allowed me to stream a lot of TV. I spent time watching TV series which have completed their runs. These are series that I haven’t seen before or had started and never finished. I finished 12 TV series in 2021 (some were started in 2020 and finished in 2021):

  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
  • House
  • Monk
  • Psych
  • Home Improvement
  • White Collar
  • Burn Notice
  • The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
  • Life
  • Mr. Bean
  • Bosch

I also quit watching shows which I had been keeping up with as they released. These are shows that declined in quality and were not worth my time with them anymore:

  • The Rookie
  • New Amsterdam
  • Selena + Chef
  • Lost in Space

And the best new shows that premiered in 2021 which I enjoyed were all from Disney+:

  • Big Shot
  • Hawkeye
  • The Falcon and the Winter Soldier


I did not spend as much time as I wanted reading in 2021, but I did start reading a lot more at the end of the year – kind of a pattern for me in most years. I spent most of the first half of the year reading comics and then my friend Bruce introduced me to the Murderbot Diaries from Martha Wells and I have been hooked on those since.

Reading Stats:

  • Pages Read: 2,632
  • Books Read: 26
  • Average Book Length (comics skewed): 101 pages
  • Average Book Rating (out of 5) for 2021: 3.5

Smashrun Stats

Mookie's Smashrun Stats

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Mookie's Trakt Stats

Goodreads Stats

Mookie's Smashrun Stats